News Round Up: July 24, 2023

Top Story: The Creating Assets, Savings and Hope (CASH) Campaign of Maryland highlights its efforts to help push legislation that establishes a state CTC and allows single filers to receive a 100% match to the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). (Tax Credits for Workers and Families)

  • Tax Credits for Workers and Families (TCWF) underscores ways to advance economic freedom and how expanding eligibility to the EITC benefits both filers and America at-large. (Tax Credits for Workers and Families)
  • The University of Michigan recently released two studies that explore how the 2021 expanded federal CTC provided families with cash payments to afford food, bills, rent, and empowered individuals navigating unsafe cohabitation relationships to seek housing independence. (Nonprofit Quarterly)
  • Every week, TCWF spotlights one of our partner organizations and the remarkable work happening within their respective states. The Montana Budget & Policy Center recaps recent state tax system changes that disproportionately benefit the wealthy and emphasizes the need to introduce proposals that would reduce the regressivity of Montana’s tax system, such as by introducing a state CTC. (Montana Budget & Policy Center)