News Round Up: July 15, 2019

Here are some highlights from the past week’s news and upcoming events on family tax credit issues:

Top Story: National Taxpayer Advocate Nina E. Olson released a new report that identifies key ways the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and its administration can be modernized to provide a larger benefit and decrease the complexity of filing for taxpayers. (National Taxpayer Advocate

  • The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities released new data on how recent proposals to expand the federal EITC would benefit Black and Latino households in each state.
  • Ken Sikkema and Bob Emerson, former Michigan Senate leaders, urged state legislators to increase the state’s EITC from 6 to 12 percent of the federal credit, which would generate more than $92 million for the state’s economy. (Detroit Free Press)
  • We blogged about California and Maine’s recent expansions of their state EITCs. (TCWF)