Introducing: Ideas From The Right – Conservative Approaches to Tax Credits for Working Families

Today marks the launch of our new commentary series, Ideas From The Right: Conservative Approaches to Tax Credits for Working Families. This series is designed to highlight new proposals from conservative policymakers and thought leaders on how to improve tax credits for working families like the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit. Ideas From The Right seeks to draw attention to the growing support for these credits at both the federal and state level while sparking discussion on the merits of different approaches and opportunities for consensus among conservatives and progressives.

While tax credits for working families have long enjoyed bipartisan endorsement, the past year has boasted a surge of conservative support in particular – in the form of separate proposals from Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins (R-Kansas) to expand the federal Child Tax Credit, a push from Senator Marco Rubio for an EITC-like work support and resounding support from Representative Paul Ryan, and most recently a collection of essays from conservative thought leaders on policies to promote a thriving middle class that included proposals to expand the EITC and Child Tax Credit.

Each week, Ideas From the Right will offer commentary from the thought leaders behind these proposals and others. We welcome your comments on each of our posts.

To receive each issue as it appears, please sign up for our blog. You can also follow this series on Facebook or Twitter @TaxCreditsWF using the hashtag #ideasfromtheright.