H1 Header
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ornare tortor quis facilisis imperdiet. Praesent a felis quis nulla ultrices accumsan. Aenean vel convallis velit, vel iaculis lorem. Integer sed est sapien.
H2 Header
Curabitur felis magna, venenatis quis cursus nec, fringilla vel sem. Duis lacinia ac lacus in lacinia. Maecenas sit amet rutrum mauris. Mauris lobortis, magna at ullamcorper ultricies, tellus urna maximus nisi, faucibus auctor velit magna non urna. Mauris nunc justo, lacinia sit amet gravida eget, tincidunt eu dui.
H3 Header
Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin ut magna ut felis consequat laoreet ut sit amet tellus. In in rhoncus risus. Duis mollis tempor dui, id convallis justo accumsan eu.
Sed ut mollis sapien, id laoreet elit. Cras placerat sapien ac faucibus tempus. Sed quis vehicula sapien.
H4 Header
Phasellus at sagittis nulla, ac maximus ex. Pellentesque eu iaculis metus, vel ultricies ante. Suspendisse mattis commodo nulla, id aliquet nisl. Nam molestie nulla sed metus rhoncus aliquet viverra non mauris. Aliquam auctor velit in dignissim malesuada.
H5 Header
Suspendisse vehicula ex vitae velit ornare aliquam. Cras pharetra non mi at placerat. In vestibulum lectus elit. In risus eros, tincidunt ut volutpat nec, lacinia sit amet lectus. Duis eget felis sed neque ullamcorper ullamcorper a vel ante. Quisque hendrerit in odio a congue. Aenean nec risus lorem.
H6 Header
Proin auctor quam ac magna consectetur tempor. Duis scelerisque maximus est. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum molestie at nisi at rhoncus. Sed facilisis, orci sed accumsan blandit, libero lorem varius tortor, ultrices ullamcorper dui ante at enim. Morbi et lectus ut magna scelerisque ornare vehicula condimentum erat. Curabitur fringilla cursus lorem, sed iaculis magna porttitor at. Vivamus libero massa, vestibulum efficitur lacinia eu, consectetur eget orci. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam faucibus mi massa, et sagittis urna imperdiet eget. Donec in enim non felis pharetra lobortis. Sed suscipit vulputate lectus vel accumsan. Aliquam sed urna nulla. Phasellus eu efficitur nisi, sit amet facilisis justo. Duis commodo suscipit arcu quis facilisis. Aenean faucibus sollicitudin purus ut viverra.
Blockquote Title
Some blockquote text to explain what this block is about. Some blockquote text to explain what this block is about. Some blockquote text to explain what this block is about. Some blockquote text to explain what this block is about. Some blockquote text to explain what this block is about. Some blockquote text to explain what this block is about.
Curabitur a sodales sem. Nam lorem justo, porttitor vel odio eget, aliquet tempor risus. Maecenas mollis finibus sodales. Ut faucibus, nisi sed elementum tincidunt, lacus arcu cursus felis, quis tincidunt ipsum purus non odio. Pellentesque accumsan id lectus et ullamcorper. Suspendisse varius mauris at dapibus feugiat. Mauris sagittis semper augue, sit amet vehicula urna. Aenean placerat, enim sit amet rutrum eleifend, nisl nulla venenatis lectus, nec finibus ligula nisi at purus. Vivamus ac justo vel nisl sagittis lobortis. Mauris sed feugiat elit. Mauris ex velit, ornare vel efficitur quis, aliquet a turpis. Etiam rhoncus, nunc ut ultrices porta, dolor lectus dapibus elit, eget aliquam mi lorem sit amet purus. Duis tempus turpis ut volutpat porttitor.
This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:
Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)
…or something like this:
The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.
As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!
Unordered List
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Ordered List
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Accordion Item 1
Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion.
Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion.
Accordion Item 2
Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion.
Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion.
Accordion Item 3
Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion.
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Accordion Item 4
Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion.
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Accordion Item 5
Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion.
Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion.

Example Title
Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion. Sample content in this accordion.
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title here
some content for this particular area because i love it.

title here
info here as we need it
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Add Your Heading Text Here
Mana Mostatabi
Mana is the director for Tax Credits for Workers and Their Families. She provides strategic communications and advocacy support for state groups and helps advance Tax Credits priorities at the federal level. She previously served as the communications director for a variety of non-profits and grassroots advocacy groups.
For support and technical assistance with communications materials involving tax credits for working families, or for general tax credit-related inquiries, please contact Mana.
Strategic Advisor
Lauren Pescatore
Lauren is a strategic advisor for Tax Credits for Workers and Their Families. She has been a part of the Tax Credits team since 2012 and served as the project’s director before transitioning into her role of providing strategic guidance and project oversight in 2017.
Social Media Manager
Heather Norris
Heather supports all social media aspects of Tax Credits for Workers and Their Families. As the social media manager, she curates weekly content for the social channels and manages the overall social media presence of Tax Credits. She leads all of Tax Credit’s social platforms and is regularly in conversation with media and news circulating around state and federal tax credits.
For social media inquiries related to tax credits, please contact Heather.
Nandini Singh
Nandini is a new addition to the Tax Credits for Workers and Their Families team. Prior to joining Tax Credits, she worked with local and global advocacy groups to spread their core messages. Early in her career, Nandini wrote feature stories on influential men and women from the United States, Canada, and India, who championed efforts to improve gender parity at the corporate and communal level. Since then, Nandini has primarily generated content related to education policy, spotlighting the implications assessment data has on evolving education trends. As a writer for Tax Credits, Nandini generates blog content, illuminating trending topics and key policy developments on tax credits.
Senior Communications Associate
Abby Ling
Abby is the senior communications associate for Tax Credits for Workers and Their Families. They have been part of the team since January 2022. They support content creation and advocacy campaigns focused on promoting tax credits on the state and federal level. They assist in conceptualizing content, writing blog posts, and leading the weekly news roundup, which covers all featured news around state and federal Earned Income Tax Credits (EITCs), Child Tax Credits (CTCs), and Child and Dependent Care Tax Credits (CDCTCs).
For inquiries involving website updates or the weekly news roundup, please contact Abby.
Lauren Bush
With 15 years of experience in health research, education, and program management, Lauren brings valuable expertise to Tax Credits for Workers and Families. She has a strong background in health outcomes research, education policy, and grants management, as well as a track record of published work and speaking engagements. Her previous roles in diversity and inclusion, such as overseeing a training program for underrepresented students in dental schools, demonstrate her commitment to equitable access. Lauren's educational background includes graduate studies in epidemiology and biostatistics at Emory University, complementing her International Studies degree with a specialty in Economic Development from Spelman College. Her multifaceted expertise and dedication make her a valuable contributor to the Tax Credits team.
Michael Chan-Lok
Michael is a contributing blog writer for Tax Credits for Workers and Families. He connects the importance of tax credit programs in relatable ways to communities and populations who would most benefit from them. In previous writing roles, he’s contributed work to and advocated for clients in education, government, public health, and professional sports. Michael also assists in website updates and the weekly news round-up.